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2013 W. W. Worthington Memorial Trophy

Ringing World:

Test piece
Competition no
28 September 2013 Ian Fielding Erin Caters 32 (Held at Sileby)
Result Place Team Faults Touch 310 Erin Caters
1 – 3h20 Derby D A 42¾  123456789
163452789 7s
563412978 1,4s
912345678 1,2,3,4 (4) 4 bobs on 7,8
234567891 6.7.8 (8) 3 bobs on 9,1
456789123 6.7.8 (8) 3 bobs on 2,3
312896745 (5)
(312456789) 2s.8s
All courses are 9 sixes long unless stated differently (in brackets)
N.B. 6th course does not contain any calls and is 5 sixes long.
2 – 3h16 St Martin’s Guild 56½
3 – 3h16 Leicester 68¼
4 – 3h05 Beeston 74¾

Photo gallery.

Back row: 6 Anthony P Cotton, 7 Christian M Peckham (C), 8 Paul Jopp, 9 Tim J Peverett, 10 John E Heaton
Front row: 5 David J Marshall, 4 John R Fisher, 3 Anthony Cotton, 2 Pamela J Timms, 1 Simon Melen
St Martin’s Guild
Back row 6: Clare McArdle, 7: Philip A Ramsbottom, 8: Simon J L Linford, 9: Michael P A Wilby, 10: Anthony M Daw
Front row 5: Francesca L Cinderey, 4: Mike Dobson, 3: Arthur J Reeves, 2: Mark R Eccleston, 1: Victoria J M Wilby
Back row – 6: Jennifer A Harvey, 7: Dave G Carling, 8: Stephen J Franklin, 9: Neil W Harvey, 10: Terry M Astill (C)
Front row – 5: Steven J Harvey, 4: Alison M Harvey, 3: Nicky Mason, 2: Jennie Higson, 1: Samuel A Clements
Back row 6: Christine Langton  7: Tom Langton  8: Andy Wignell, 9: Alistair Smith (C), 10: John McLeod
Front row 5: Tim Poole, 4: Elizabeth Dennison, 3: Kathryn Smith, 2: Katy Idle 1: Leah Wignell